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MATA Car Barn
The McKinney Avenue Transit Authority (MATA), operates the M-line Streetcar. The offices and car barn are located at 3153 Oak Grove. In operation since 1989, it is an example of a heritage streetcar running historic cars. The main stretch of the line runs down McKinney Avenue in Uptown. The "M-Line" name for the service was adopted in 2002, though the line continues to be commonly known as "the McKinney Avenue trolley" (or streetcar), as well being known as the "M-Line" more officially. Since 2002, the M-line Streetcar is free to the public thanks to a joint operating subsidy received from Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) and the Uptown Improvement District. However, if you want to give there’s a tip jar on every trolley. All tips go to support MATA, dedicated to preserving and restoring old streetcars.
Image Details
Transportation, MATA, M-line, Streetcar, Trolley, Uptown, DFW001067